Welcome to MaryRice.com 

(Not T'Pring, but a fan of hers)

The M stands for Men

Bernie Sanders: 2024 or maybe Baby 2028...Either way...Bernie Sanders is my President. 

We're playing the long game....good.  We play the Dr. MLK way:  Civil protests paired with economic boycotts~change the rules for a better way baller, shot caller!  NRA training and lawful exercise of our 2d amendment right is our security perimeter.  (Folks rethought seating hierarchy when it hurt them in the pocketbook.) 


Glory to Ukraine!


It's ok Sean.  It's ok.

The well coiffed, oiled up talking heads in Texas are frothing about Sean ''Diddy' Combs and electrically sexual violence.  Funny how they are just crickets about the forensic anomalies surrounding who really planned and executed 9/11.  hmmmmmm......much bigger, more dire body count with the latter.

Let's see: 1-600% put option increase in airline stocks from 6 Sep to 10 Sep.  2-These 'lucky' investors never claimed their $5 million dollar windfalls that this stock investment yielded. 3-These lucky investors have not been publicly identified (the 1% knows who they are). 4-The fall of the towers and adjacent structure was clearly a controlled det 5-who stood to gain? (mostly the Military Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower warned us about), 6-Ballers have the 'footage' of the actual executioners (hint: NOT OBL) rehearsing the big 9/11 event....accidentally captured in the effort of watching for Po-Po/50 and so on and so on.  The 2 moguls should bargain for immunity...in exchange they 'discuss' the dynamics of dark web porn and uhmmmm....venta de drogas..funding...as the anomolies continue to mount....

So, class, compare and contrast: Body count with African American rapper moguls...versus body count of 9/11 and the subsequent battlefield casualties directly resulting from it.  Wow.  A contrast...so oiled up Houston, we have a problem: solution-rabidly foam about the greater body count of 9/11.  Have Homeland Security bust down those doors that this scrutiny leads to.  After all, homicide has no statute of limitations, to include mass homicide.  It requires no 'Lazarus statute.'  This intense scrutiny of 9/6 thru 9/10, notably on Wall Street, makes the moguls 'rumored' body count pale in comparison.  Yes the moguls need to make financial reparations to their victims....which they more readily do if their assets are not forfeited by the government.

Further, dark web porn and 'Controlled Substances' likely funded the 9/11 effort.  Most moguls 'know of' this world.  Certainly is leverage for immunity.


Glory to Ukraine! 


Editor's note: We both have amends to make Sean.  And it's ok. Oh, one more source of intel suggesting Wayfair is more than what they present themselves to be....Furthermore, time to rain on Shyne....xxooxxoo....out of love....and help that lady shot in the face, in any way she deems desirable....omg...... 

I say again, with a few exceptions, Congress should be investigated (at a minimum those who voted NO on increasing the minimum wage), and possibly indicted under the RICO act for poverty profiteering,  and ratifying involuntary servitude in violation of the 13th Amendment.  They know that minimum wage is not a livable wage, hence a slave wage, but they ratify it nonetheless, all the while frothing to increase their own pay.  Shameful.  The  requisite nexus criminal enterprise is the homeless shelters (and other assorted slum lord villages) lining their pockets bigly by engineered poverty, aka poverty profiteering (in addition to violating the 13th Amendment....so those of the ilk who live in gilded castles, lined by public coffers, brace yourselves.)  These poverty profiteers and their Congressional co-conspirators are in violation of the 13th Amendment of the Constitution.  The $7.25 an hour is a non-livable wage, in effect, slavery with an allowance; certainly it is involuntary servitude.  This wage has not increased/been adjusted for inflation since 2009, yet Congress has fastidiously voted numerous cost of living adjustments and raises for themselves, in addition to a host of extra benefits (health care and lengthy paid vacations/recesses.)  Any member of Congress voting NO to raise the minimum wage to at least $15.00 an hour needs to have a ruthlessly thorough forensic financial investigation of every penny they,  <<<AND THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS...Think Hunter Biden>>>,  handle in any way, on shore, off shore, or in the land of South Dakota.   Those who have voted no in the past have ratified involuntary servitude.  An Army Colonel makes annually about 4 times more than a Private.  Congress members make about 12 times more annually than minimum wage earners.  Minimum wage workers need the most protection yet they are just herded like cattle, as they cannot even afford basic shelter.  The more cattle crammed together on cots in a bay, the more bigly lined are the pockets of the poverty profiteers and their likely co-conspirators, Congress.  Utterly disgraceful.  At least a $15.00 per hour minimum wage would render the Congressional paycheck only 6 times more than the most vulnerable members of the working class, so, slightly less untenableIn the future, NO pay raises/Cost of Living Adjustments should be granted to Congress unless the minimum wage proportionately increases with it, in eternal tandem.  Shame, Shame, Shame on you Congress.

Ochter Scale:  0:.06.  The more actual truth I see with Pizzagate, the uglier it becomes.  Sorry Linda G. The Comanche Psychic, just this once, …..there is a transcendent update.....it's a 1% thing, not just some RNC concoction/vast right wing conspiracy,  smeared up.  The commodified adrenochrome kill rooms (promising a fountain of youth) must come to an end, obvio.  I remain Team Steve Bannon because he was Team Breitbart; Andrew Breitbart died in his efforts to expose Pizzagate.  Andrew Breitbart, you are immortalized thusly.  Any authority figure mocking QAnon supporters as being 'mental cases' are merely referring to QANON imposters.  QAnon, Alex Jones and Graham Elwood are coming down on the right side of Pizzagate.  Alex Jones is one tough dude and he wept over the leaked pizzagate evidence.  Whilst I still believe Mr. Podesta and Dr. Steven Greer should lead the Exposure project together, mandatory therapy/ankle bracelets may be involved for Mr. Podesta, given the Pizzagate reality.  The body count is just too high to be forensically ignored.

Political Slingshots (Ammo'd Up): 

1.  The Space Force: No finer thing has President Trump ever done.  Thank you President Trump.  The Space Force will not only ignite the imagination of the young (Enron Math) but will also engage us in the realtime 24/7 war....to survive (Chicago Math).  The latter requires real time, real data....which the space force will provide the entire Homo Sapien species with.  So why the Space Force would be mocked for doing this is beyond me.  (uhhhhh....so FY Jimmy Fallon...really......quit mocking the Space Force....)......Our youth is motivated/inspired, our planet is healed (international ozone repair efforts), and living wage jobs are created.  Some protest that 'space force astronauts must know a lot of math....'  .....wow....so that just means we can then gainfully employ numerous math majors with livable wage jobs teaching math, versus simply  waiting tables.  wtf is your problem?  The US Air Force has temporarily hijacked it....that won't last.  It deserves to be and will be a stand alone, independent force, aside, not under, the army, air force, navy and marines.....(and DHS, Coast Guard).

2.  The Kimye West Entrepreneur and Cultural Initiative.  (Divorce aside.  And Mr. West demonstrated that he is a genius....with his Famous video.) When Dro and Blow become legal, the DEA will morph, largely, into space cowboys, jointly exploring space with cartel members.  Space Cowboys and Space Carboys will utilize the revenues, and present DEA funding, to create major housing initiatives in space.  The prisons (of the terrestrial variety), formerly keeping drug offenders in, will morph into such beautiful special needs/low income housing that folks will have to be kept from getting in, versus vying to get out.  xxooxxoo A major part of the cultural component of this initiative will be to include guitar and piano music lessons from Grade 1 to Grade 12.  Stable baller platforms are not confined to merely watching 20 guys play with themselves, with a crowded arena merely on the sidelines, relegated to spectator support.  There is a better way....teach children to play....music....and express themselves....constructively...in addition to possibly making some change for performing.  Noting the sage observe (in re: Prison Industrial Complex) of Dan Boulger, Don't Tell Comedy, Youtube, "...  This is the beginning of a system that is an unintended, yet extremely effective internment camp for undesirables, and I think that you and that everybody that works here should be fucking ashamed of yourselves.  ..." https://youtube.com/shorts/uX9kH3C64m4?feature=share   Bernie Sanders, The Man, called this years ago, the Prison Industrial Complex.  Love you Bernie.

3.  Adoption of The Sanders~Guiliani Compensation Model.  Minimum wage must be a livable wage. The current minimum wage for the working poor is criminal.  Even ballers have enough sense to pay their crew a living wage.   Congress passing the minimum wage is an official ratification of involuntary servitude, which affords an immediate lawsuit against officials for injunctive relief and private sector operators paying minimum wage....(arguably....and their criminal accomplices....who even if they still have an official office, they have abdicated it/acted out of the protective scope, when they ratified slavery/involuntary servitude, betraying the US Constitution in so doing.)   Any entity contracting with the government in any way must have proportionate compensation:  e.g. the CEO earnings are capped at 9 fold of the lowest paid person in the entity.  Another model could be the executive pool, the management pool, and the labor pool, all get a 3rd.  The numbers in each pool vary, as does the compensation, proportionately.   The working hybrid would be once an executive group/individual gets to 9-fold of the lowest wage/salary variable paid, then the 3/3/3 apportionment begins.  This is metaphysically correct.  As for Wall Street Shareholder firms, they are incorporated into the 3/3/3 matrix comparative to their firm ranking.  An individual cannot even survive on  minimum wage, yet, the rich continue to get richer....at the expense of the working poor.  Rudy Guiliani unveiled the Hunter Biden smoking gun.  The average Ukrainian citizen salary is $435 USD per month.  Federal minimum wage in the U.S. is about $1,100 USD per month.  Not livable wages.  Shame, shame, shame.  Hunter Biden, courtesy of his father, then Vice President Biden, made over $55,000 USD per month (for years!!!!) just for sitting on a Ukrainian Energy Board....even though he didn't know the language, he didn't have experience in energy.  Rubbing salt in the wound, us working poor toil and are taxed from our meager daily pay so that well-coiffed members of Congress can increase their own pay, and formulate ways to explain to us working poor why the situation is necessarily untenable.  As for Madame Speaker Pelosi, well, let's take a snapshot of her children's salaries.  You know, Psychic Violetta saw her hiding her pulled teeth in answer to the Hunter Biden $55K-100K yummy little compensation package he had....for years.  So what does this vision mean?  Nancy Pelosi's children are also being obscenely compensated?  Was Paul Pelosi earning minimum wage?  Maybe he was, and their tony Pacific Heights home (just one of their lovely homes, in their state with one of the highest rates of homelessness) was inherited.  The saga continues.

 4. The Shawn Corey Carter Wellness Initiative: Recognizing that the Bernie Sanders medicare for all plan is good business; keeps us at 99 problems and below.  You make good records, you make tall money, limitless.  However, for the unit based recording/entertainment industry, there is no Hippocratic Oath.  Medical services are in their own special category.  An insurance provider CEO made a $90,000,000 annual salary before he was finally put in prison; imagine all the viable claims denied to get there.  The uninsured, working poor do what I did when I broke my ankle.  Go to the emergency room, get patched up by a doctor, and go back to work versus needing a cane for the rest of my life, barely able to limp along.  Then your 'pay-what-you-can-when-you-can-plan' is very spasmed, but, I can hopefully pay it forward.  Although part of the working poor, I have always worked...so that's something.  Thanks to medical doctors I was patched up enough so I could....Thank you medical community for thatMany shy away from gutsy, creative work efforts because they need health care.  Medicare for all will keep the work force performing optimally, allowing many to remain in the workforce, will employ more health care workers, will enable more people to make gutsy, creative work efforts (and not worry about health care), and weed out CEO thieves hiding behind a capitalist mask.  Per the Hippocratic Oath, the pay will be reasonable/fair (probably like the Military Model....Doctor's make a Colonel's pay).  But don't worry 1%, as with many older countries that have a national health care system, you can still pay extra to get private health care, just like paying extra for a private school.

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